


Butterfly Theme Beautification Notes



Documenting my theme modification journey for easier future adjustments.
Beautification does not involve theme source code, only plugins and CSS mounting.

_config.yml path is [blog root directory]/
_config.butterfly.yml path is [blog root directory]/

I. Custom CSS#

Create a new custom.css file in [blog root directory]/themes/butterfly/source/css/

Background Gradient Effect#

Add the following to custom.css

/*!Background gradient effect*/
#body-wrap {
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(
    rgba(247, 149, 51, 0.1) 0,
    rgba(243, 112, 85, 0.1) 15%,
    rgba(239, 78, 123, 0.1) 30%,
    rgba(161, 102, 171, 0.1) 44%,
    rgba(80, 115, 184, 0.1) 58%,
    rgba(16, 152, 173, 0.1) 72%,
    rgba(7, 179, 155, 0.1) 86%,
    rgba(109, 186, 130, 0.1) 100%
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(
    rgba(247, 149, 51, 0.1) 0,
    rgba(243, 112, 85, 0.1) 15%,
    rgba(239, 78, 123, 0.1) 30%,
    rgba(161, 102, 171, 0.1) 44%,
    rgba(80, 115, 184, 0.1) 58%,
    rgba(16, 152, 173, 0.1) 72%,
    rgba(7, 179, 155, 0.1) 86%,
    rgba(109, 186, 130, 0.1) 100%
  background: -o-linear-gradient(
    rgba(247, 149, 51, 0.1) 0,
    rgba(243, 112, 85, 0.1) 15%,
    rgba(239, 78, 123, 0.1) 30%,
    rgba(161, 102, 171, 0.1) 44%,
    rgba(80, 115, 184, 0.1) 58%,
    rgba(16, 152, 173, 0.1) 72%,
    rgba(7, 179, 155, 0.1) 86%,
    rgba(109, 186, 130, 0.1) 100%
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(
    rgba(247, 149, 51, 0.1) 0,
    rgba(243, 112, 85, 0.1) 15%,
    rgba(239, 78, 123, 0.1) 30%,
    rgba(161, 102, 171, 0.1) 44%,
    rgba(80, 115, 184, 0.1) 58%,
    rgba(16, 152, 173, 0.1) 72%,
    rgba(7, 179, 155, 0.1) 86%,
    rgba(109, 186, 130, 0.1) 100%
  background: linear-gradient(
    rgba(247, 149, 51, 0.1) 0,
    rgba(243, 112, 85, 0.1) 15%,
    rgba(239, 78, 123, 0.1) 30%,
    rgba(161, 102, 171, 0.1) 44%,
    rgba(80, 115, 184, 0.1) 58%,
    rgba(16, 152, 173, 0.1) 72%,
    rgba(7, 179, 155, 0.1) 86%,
    rgba(109, 186, 130, 0.1) 100%

Opacity Adjustment#

Add the following to custom.css

/*Footer opacity adjustment*/
#footer {
  opacity: 0.9;
/* Footer transparent */
#footer {
  background: transparent !important;
/* Remove footer black transparent glass effect */
#footer::before {
  background: transparent !important;
/* Header image transparent */
#page-header {
  background: transparent !important;
/* Header image mask layer transparent */
#page-header::before {
  background: transparent !important;
/*top-img black transparent glass effect */
#page-header.post-bg:before {
  background-color: transparent !important;

Custom Fonts#

  1. Create a folder named fonts in [blog root directory]/themes/butterfly/source/
    Place the .tff font files inside.

  2. Add the following to custom.css

    @font-face {
      font-family: "Font Name"; /* Customize the font name */
      src: url("/fonts/your-font-file-name.ttf"); /* Font file path */
      font-display: swap;
  3. Modify the font configuration in _config.butterfly.yml

    # Global font settings
    # Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work (Do not modify unless necessary)
      font-family: "Font Name"

II. Plugin Installation#

Aplayer Global Player#

  1. Install the hexo-tag-aplayer plugin

    npm install hexo-tag-aplayer --save
  2. Add the following configuration to _config.yml

    # APlayer
    # https://github.com/MoePlayer/hexo-tag-aplayer/blob/master/docs/README-zh_cn.md
      meting: true
      asset_inject: false
  3. Modify the Aplayer configuration in _config.butterfly.yml

    # Inject the css and script (aplayer/meting)
      enable: true
      per_page: true
  4. Add CSS styles to custom.css to automatically indent and hide

    .aplayer.aplayer-fixed.aplayer-narrow .aplayer-body {
      left: -66px !important;
      /* By default, indent 66px to the left, leaving only a bit of the arrow part */
    .aplayer.aplayer-fixed.aplayer-narrow .aplayer-body:hover {
      left: 0 !important;
      /* When hovering, the left indentation returns to zero, fully displaying the buttons */
  5. Add the Aplayer container to the inject configuration in _config.butterfly.yml

        - <div class="aplayer no-destroy" data-id="5183531430" data-server="netease" data-type="playlist" data-fixed="true" data-mini="true" data-listFolded="false" data-order="random" data-preload="none" data-autoplay="false" muted></div>

    data-id: Can fill in the playlist or song id
    data-server: Service provider, optional netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu
    data-type: Type, optional song, playlist, album, search, artist

  1. Install the butterfly-footer-beautify plugin

    npm install hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify --save
  2. Add the following configuration to _config.yml

    # footer_beautify
    # Footer timer: [Native JS Timer](https://akilar.top/posts/b941af/)
    # Footer badge: [Add Github Badge](https://akilar.top/posts/e87ad7f8/)
        timer: true # Timer switch
        bdage: true # Badge switch
      priority: 5 # Filter priority
      enable_page: all # Applied pages
      exclude: # Excluded pages
        # - /posts/
        # - /about/
      layout: # Mounting container type
        type: id
        name: footer-wrap
        index: 0
      # Timer configuration items
      runtime_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify@1.0.0/lib/runtime.js
      runtime_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify@1.0.0/lib/runtime.css
      # Badge configuration items
      swiperpara: 3 # If not 0, enable carousel function, number of badges per row
        - link: https://hexo.io/ # Badge link
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Frame-Hexo-blue?style=flat&logo=hexo # Badge API
          message: The blog framework is Hexo_v5.4.0 # Badge tooltip
        - link: https://butterfly.js.org/
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Theme-Butterfly-6513df?style=flat&logo=bitdefender
          message: Theme version Butterfly_v3.8.2
        - link: https://www.jsdelivr.com/
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/CDN-jsDelivr-orange?style=flat&logo=jsDelivr
          message: This site uses JsDelivr for CDN acceleration of static resources
        - link: https://vercel.com/
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-Vercel-brightgreen?style=flat&logo=Vercel
          message: This site adopts dual-line deployment, with the default line hosted on Vercel
        - link: https://vercel.com/
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-Coding-0cedbe?style=flat&logo=Codio
          message: This site adopts dual-line deployment, with the Unicom line hosted on Coding
        - link: https://github.com/
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Source-Github-d021d6?style=flat&logo=GitHub
          message: This site project is hosted by Github
        - link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
          shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Copyright-BY--NC--SA%204.0-d42328?style=flat&logo=Claris
          message: This site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
      swiper_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper.min.css
      swiper_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper.min.js
      swiperbdage_init_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-footer-beautify/lib/swiperbdage_init.min.js
  3. You can download runtime_js to modify it yourself.

Add Clock Module to Sidebar#

  1. Install the butterfly-clock plugin

    npm install hexo-butterfly-clock --save
  2. Add the following configuration to _config.yml

    # electric_clock
    # see https://akilar.top/posts/4e39cf4a/
      enable: true # Switch
      priority: 5 # Filter priority
      enable_page: all # Applied pages
        # - /posts/
        # - /about/
      layout: # Mounting container type
        type: class
        name: sticky_layout
        index: 0
      loading: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-clock/lib/loading.gif # Custom loading animation
      clock_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-clock/lib/clock.min.css
      clock_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-clock/lib/clock.min.js
      ip_api: https://pv.sohu.com/cityjson?ie=utf-8

Add Gitcalendar Module#

  1. Install the gitcalendar plugin

    npm install hexo-filter-gitcalendar --save
  2. Add the following configuration to _config.yml

    # hexo-filter-gitcalendar
    # see https://akilar.top/posts/1f9c68c9/
      enable: true # Switch
      priority: 6 # Filter priority
      enable_page: / # Applied pages
      # butterfly mounting container
      layout: # Mounting container type
        type: id
        name: recent-posts
        index: 0
      # volantis mounting container
      # layout:
      #   type: class
      #   name: l_main
      #   index: 0
      # matery mounting container
      # layout:
      #   type: id
      #   name: indexCard
      #   index: 0
      # mengd mounting container
      # layout:
      #   type: class
      #   name: content
      #   index: 0
      user: xxxx # Git username
      apiurl: 'https://python-github-calendar-api.vercel.app'
        pc: 280px # Minimum height for desktop
        mobile: 0px # Minimum height for mobile
      #color: "['#ebedf0', '#cdefec', '#a9e4de', '#1fc7b6', '#65cfc5', '#4dc8bb', '#39bbae', '#319d93', '#278178', '#216962', '#1b5852']"
      #color: "['rgb(145, 145, 145, 0.2)', '#c6ecc1', '#a0e2bb', '#1fc7b6', '#70c5d3', '#60a2ce', '#507ac9', '#4356c5', '#423cc4', '#5b3abc', '#7138b6']"
      #color: "['#e4dfd7', '#f9f4dc', '#f7e8aa', '#f7e8aa', '#f8df72', '#fcd217', '#fcc515', '#f28e16', '#fb8b05', '#d85916', '#f43e06']" # Orange tone
      # color: "['#ebedf0', '#fdcdec', '#fc9bd9', '#fa6ac5', '#f838b2', '#f5089f', '#c4067e', '#92055e', '#540336', '#48022f', '#30021f']" # Light purple tone
      # color: "['#ebedf0', '#f0fff4', '#dcffe4', '#bef5cb', '#85e89d', '#34d058', '#28a745', '#22863a', '#176f2c', '#165c26', '#144620']" # Emerald green tone
      color: "['#ebedf0', '#f1f8ff', '#dbedff', '#c8e1ff', '#79b8ff', '#2188ff', '#0366d6', '#005cc5', '#044289', '#032f62', '#05264c']" # Sky blue tone
      container: .recent-post-item(style='width:100%;height:auto;padding:10px;') # Parent container, needs to use pug syntax
      gitcalendar_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-filter-gitcalendar/lib/gitcalendar.css
      gitcalendar_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-filter-gitcalendar/lib/gitcalendar.js

Homepage Article Carousel#

  1. Install the butterfly-swiper plugin

    npm install hexo-butterfly-swiper --save
  2. Add the following configuration to _config.yml

    # hexo-butterfly-swiper
    # see https://akilar.top/posts/8e1264d1/
      enable: true # Switch
      priority: 5 # Filter priority
      enable_page: all # Applied pages
      timemode: date #date/updated
      layout: # Mounting container type
        type: id
        name: recent-posts
        index: 0
      default_descr: No matter how I look at it, I don't know how to describe it!
      swiper_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper.min.css # swiper css dependency
      swiper_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper.min.js # swiper js dependency
      custom_css: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiperstyle.css # Theme style patch
      custom_js: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-swiper/lib/swiper_init.js # swiper initialization method
  3. Usage

    Add the swiper_index configuration item in the article's front_matter

    title: Article Title
    date: Creation Date
    updated: Update Date
    cover: Article Cover
    description: Article Description
    swiper_index: 1 # Top carousel image order, non-negative integer, the larger the number, the more forward


Modifying is fun for a moment, but modifying continuously is always fun.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.