




灵感纸篓 - 记录我的胡思乱想



正经人谁写日记啊。 ---《邪不压正》

重点在 ChatGPT 她真的可以做到。

作为一个 AI 语言模型,我可以帮助你将你的日记转化成一本自传,但是需要更多的细节和信息。请告诉我你想要写关于什么方面的自传,以及你希望它包含哪些内容和风格。同时,我必须提醒您,由于自传是关于个人生命经历和隐私的,因此请确保您对其进行了适当的编辑和过滤,以避免不必要的暴露或伤害。

2022-07-23 星期六
感受:生活不管理就会失控,体会到了这一点。记忆并不是最重要的,感情才是,玩 >《丸子与银河龙》的感悟。想折腾就折腾,别顾忌太多,收获会有的。
娱乐:通关《丸子与银河龙》 | 补《街角魔族》
学习:学习 Obsidian 的使用
思考:或许记忆并没有那么重要,具体的东西反而太脆弱。可能真的像《发条橙》那句台词一样 “笨蛋才会思考,聪明人会跟着感觉和上帝的旨意而行动”。
想做的事:重温《罪恶王冠》(契机:在私人 FM 里听到了里面的歌曲) | 看一部轻松的番剧(契机:最近有些累) | 玩一部短篇精品 Gal(契机:假期时间不多了哇)
(这是我在 Obsidian 上记的第一篇日记,当然,我改了些格式才发给了 ChatGPT。)
……(中间是长达 3 分钟的调教过程,大概)



尽管他很少关心自己的选择,但他的生活却从未停止前行,好像地球依旧在转,人类也没有灭亡,他仍在追求自己的梦想,同时享受这个过程。那个星期六,他没做什么特别大的事,只是愉快地浪费了一整天,然后在日记上打了 6 分的分数。他觉得有些好笑,好像这个星期六只是一个微不足道的缩影,他也只是一个乏味而浅薄的小人物。

在他的愿望清单上,罪恶王冠的重温、看轻松的番剧和玩一部短篇精品 Gal 都被列入其中,好像这些东西可以给他带来什么益处。虽然时间的流逝可能会让这些愿望逐渐消逝,但他并不在意。毕竟,人生就是如此荒诞可笑,何必还要为那些无聊的东西较真呢?

Good!没想到连这种没什么情节的日记投喂进去,ChatGPT 也能写的还不错。

每个人都可以在合适的时候把自己的生活记录交给 AI,让她根据自己的要求写出一本自传,可以发布在互联网上,可以出版,可以留给家人,也可以只留给自己。



所以我联想到了大型语言模型(LLM),和其中具有一定代表性的 ChatGPT。
如果可能的话,由某个人或组织发起一项实验,召集全球各地的十几位志愿者,使用某种手段让他们处于上述的情况中,由实验员向他们输入文本,而志愿者使用纸笔或键盘输出脑内实时产生的文本,并且将这个实验向全球直播,观众可以也可以通过某种方式向志愿者输入文本,就像我们向 ChatGPT 输入文本一样。整场实验背后会有一个专家组进行分析以得到有价值的信息。





对了,小说的标题是《巨人的肩膀》,就是第 1 期灵感纸篓里发的小片段。我大概会继续写下去,嗯。


以上就是本期灵感纸篓的胡思乱想了。 : D

English Edition#

Inspiration Basket - Recording My Random Thoughts

Let everyone in the world have an autobiography#

Ahem, first of all, I am a serious person. But I have a habit of writing in my diary every day.

Who writes diaries these days? --- "An Inaccurate Memoir"

Of course, that's not the point.
The point is that ChatGPT can really do it.

If I give you my diary, can you help me write an autobiography?
As an AI language model, I can help you transform your diary into an autobiography, but I need more details and information. Please tell me what aspects of your life you want to write about in your autobiography and what content and style you would like it to include. At the same time, I must remind you that since autobiographies are about personal life experiences and privacy, please make sure to edit and filter them appropriately to avoid unnecessary exposure or harm.
Date: Saturday July 23rd 2022
Mood: Not bad 😃😐
Feelings: Life will be out of control if not managed properly; realization from playing "Maruko & The Galaxy Dragon". Memories are not as important as emotions. If there's something you want to do then just go for it without worrying too much - there will always be gains from doing so.
Happened: Earth is still spinning; humanity has yet to perish...nothing major happened...
I did:
Entertainment: Completed "Maruko & The Galaxy Dragon" | Watched "Jie Jiao Mo Zu"
Educational: Learned how to use Obsidian
Sports: Being a lazy dog at the moment
Reflections: Perhaps memories aren't as important as we think they are; specific things tend to be fragile instead. Maybe people who act on their feelings and God's will like the quote from "A Clockwork Orange" says are actually smarter than those who overthink things.
Creativity: Being a slacker at the moment
Want to do:
Re-watch "Guilty Crown" (triggered by hearing its songs on my private FM) | Watch a light-hearted anime (feeling tired lately) | Play a short but high-quality Gal game (not much holiday time left)
Ratings: 6/10
(This is the first diary entry I wrote on Obsidian, of course, I made some formatting changes before sending it to ChatGPT.)
……(The middle part is a training process that lasts for about 3 minutes.)

He sat on the chair, opened the diary that had already been flipped through. That summer, he started this ancient habit of recording every boring detail as if life needed to be cherished and memories needed to be preserved. But in reality, he didn't know why he wrote these things.

He stared at the letters on the computer screen, pondering about the meaning of life. "Life will get out of control if it's not managed," he mocked himself for being shallow. How could there be any control or not? The game "Maruko and Galaxy Dragon" taught him a lesson: don't worry too much about fiddling around because there is never any gain from it. His creativity and learning became more casual and perfunctory as a result.

Although he rarely cared about his own choices, his life never stopped moving forward, as if the earth was still turning, humanity had not been destroyed yet, and he was still pursuing his dreams while enjoying this process. On that Saturday, he didn't do anything particularly big; just happily wasted an entire day then gave himself a score of 6 in his diary. He felt somewhat funny; it seemed like that Saturday was just an insignificant epitome and he was also just a dull and superficial little person.

On his wish list were revisiting Guilty Crown (a Japanese anime), watching light-hearted anime shows, playing short but high-quality Gal games - as if these things could bring him some benefits. Although time passing by might make these wishes gradually disappear over time but he did not care after all since life is so absurdly ridiculous; why bother with those boring things?

Great! I didn't expect ChatGPT to write well even when fed with such plotless diaries.

Imagine this scenario:
Everyone can submit their life records to an AI at the appropriate time, and have it write an autobiography according to their requirements. It can be published on the internet, printed as a book, left for family members or just kept for oneself.
Most importantly, It can make everyone become a unique book!

Of course, this is just a hypothesis.

Human Natural Language Generation Experiment#

I don't know if anyone has had this experience before - when half asleep and half awake, your brain is not clear and your consciousness is blurred. If you associate with a word in such situation then all kinds of related or unrelated descriptions or sentences will come up quickly in your mind.
So I thought of large language models (LLMs), and among them, ChatGPT is one that has a certain level of representation.
Of course, I haven't delved into them yet. (Don't forget that this is just random thoughts: D)
If possible, someone or some organization could initiate an experiment by gathering volunteers from around the world using some means to put them in the above-mentioned state where text input would be given by experimenters while volunteers use pen and paper or keyboard to output real-time generated text from their brains; And broadcasted live globally so viewers can also input text to volunteers like we do with ChatGPT. A team of experts behind the scenes would analyze the entire experiment to obtain valuable information.
Maybe even individuals could start such broadcasts themselves.: D

The Worldview of a Novel#

This is purely a fantasy world.
After floods submerged most of the landmasses on Earth, surviving humans lived on narrow strips of land and established civilizations completely different from those of their ancestors. This civilization has two forces - or two powerful countries - located on opposite sides of this narrow continent.

The eastern country worships robots fanatically; robots serve as monarchs who undertake most professions and labor tasks while all laws are formulated by robots which are enforced strictly. Of course, these laws are very enlightened and beneficial.

The western country worships humans fanatically; all professions are undertaken by humans from small water dispensers to transportation vehicles, and each person's position is predetermined with no possibility of change. The area between the two countries changes like a gradient depending on the distance from them. The closer it is to the eastern country, the more robots there are and idle people will also be more numerous; while the closer it is to the western country, fewer robots there will be and people will become busier. Even in central areas where one can find their ancestors' way of life.

The size of these forces depends entirely on a small snowfield in central region where two giant statues stand representing both beliefs - as more people believe in robots, the statue representing Eastern Country becomes taller; while as more people believe in humans, Western Country's statue becomes taller until one giant occupies all space on this snowfield with smaller giants scattered around corners representing other beliefs.

The main content of this novel is about a young man named Lake who lives near the Eastern country. At his mother's request, he travels to the Western country to meet with its ruler. There is also another protagonist, a girl named Tina, who was captured by horse traders in the central region and bought by Lake after an accident. She follows Lake to meet the ruler of the Western country. The rest of the story is about what happens on their journey - sad or happy events, exciting or boring moments - as well as other major characters who appear and travel with Lake and Tina.

Hmm, it sounds like an adventure story.

By the way, the title of this novel is "On Giant's Shoulders," which was inspired by a small piece in Issue 1 of Inspiration Basket. I will probably continue writing it.


The above is the random thoughts in this issue of the inspiration basket. : D

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