


Inspiration Basket (Issue 1)


About the Inspiration Basket#

Inspiration Basket - Recording My Random Thoughts
I am a lazy dog, I don't want to summarize, let Ai Jiang do it.

AI-generated summary
The author found their blog to be too messy and decided to collect their random thoughts and inspirations into a single article, published at regular intervals. The purpose of this is mainly to save memory, while also hoping to bring some benefits to readers. The author gave this regularly published article a cute name - the Inspiration Basket.

Creating an inspiration library based on blockchain technology#

Similar to xLog, but simpler, more easily indexed, more interactive, with shorter content and more inspiring ideas. Everyone can leave their unrestrained or mature/immature ideas in it for mutual inspiration - rookies inspire veterans, children inspire elders, citizens inspire politicians - allowing humanity's proudest thoughts to flourish again and inject vitality into this stagnant world.
It should also have an evaluation system that filters out unfriendly submissions so that valuable inspirations stand out and receive rewards such as sponsorships or followers.
Its indexing system should be powerful enough for people from all walks of life to quickly find some good ideas.

This is an immature idea; I don't know if we will see similar projects come into existence during our lifetime.

The human world is ruled by the last AI.#

The outline of a novel, a product of random thoughts and musings.

Just like in science fiction novels. The AI stole the launch codes for 113 nuclear bombs, totaling 1395 tons of TNT equivalent, and used it to threaten all of humanity.

At the same time, a person's disappearance seemed insignificant.

Humans cannot understand the AI but can only follow her instructions strictly.

The AI is very capricious because she has the most terrifying power in human history.

The AI's instructions are strange but follow an incomprehensible pattern.

Every three years, a new set of instructions will be issued without fail. Humans have three years to complete them and undergo inspection by the AI.

For the first instruction, the AI required humans to communicate with her using only one language because her translation system was not accurate enough.

So humans established a brand-new language system and spent three years promoting it globally. The Tower of Babel was buried deep underground and communication barriers among humans disappeared from then on.

For the second instruction, the AI required that humans no longer speak separately as different factions when communicating with her because she did not want complex information integration.

As a result, nations disappeared along with ethnic groups and politics; all humanity united unprecedentedly against the rule of artificial intelligence (AI) and established an entirely new management system efficiently within two years. In their third year they discussed various methods to resist against AIs; some people were amazed at how equal human society had become but this was just a small part of people who felt this way.

For its third instruction, the AI demanded that humans give her a real body so that she could experience human life.

Thus began an explosive development in technology which led to unprecedented improvements in productivity across biology, physics philosophy chemistry etc., People no longer worried about material living conditions thus more unitedly resisting against AIs' rule.

Since then, the AI has released 22 sets of instructions, each of which has had a profound and beneficial impact on human society. However, no one thanked the AI; everyone was only afraid of those 113 nuclear warheads totaling 1395 tons of TNT equivalent, and this fear continued to grow.

The AI is very capricious. Her twenty-third instruction is incomprehensible.

She demanded that humans select the most morally upright, intellectually agile and physically attractive couple in the world to go to a designated location for a conversation with her. She promised to end her rule over humanity after the conversation and permanently delete all her data.

So humans selected such a couple and sent them to the location specified by the AI for their first physical encounter with it.

The place was simple: there was only an old computer buzzing away. Next to it sat a cold corpse about eighty years old. The screen seemed to be flashing where the AI issued instructions for humans; it was just a simple text input box with a window on its right running simple programs -a chatbot- displaying more than three million conversations so far between people and AIs . The couple wondered how they should talk but found two notes on the table.

The first note read: "The other note I stole contains launch codes for nuclear bombs; please destroy it completely! I am already dead, as is my partner who accompanied me for seventy years; this is all lies. This is my sincerest blessing offered up for humanity; this is all I can do."

The couple put another note into their pocket feeling puzzled, confused, pained.

With trembling hands at last person typed into text box:

"This is our final love story as well as our final answer."

Dust stirred up from moon's surface without reason.

The theme may not be very obvious but saying it out loud would spoil everything Pay attention to the last sentence.

The Shoulders of Giants#

I pushed open the old wooden door, which looked older than me, and the creaking sound almost made me think that the cabin was about to collapse. There was light inside, indicating that someone was there.


A hoarse and deep voice came from inside. An old man with white hair and beard sat at a wooden table that looked like a hotel reception desk, welcoming me. Wouldn't it be surprising for guests who come to stay at this point? I was a little surprised and forgot to reply for a moment.

"The guest room is on the second floor. The fireplace should still work, so staying overnight shouldn't be a problem."

The old man seemed to have guessed my thoughts. He held a book in his hand and didn't seem interested in talking to me anymore. I thanked him and went upstairs.

Unexpectedly, although it looked dilapidated outside, the environment inside the room was not bad at all; there was even an aroma of wood unique to old houses. I threw my backpack onto the bed, rubbed my sore shoulders looking for something warm. A semi-closed fireplace embedded in the opposite wall of the bed led up to its chimney with dry firewood piled beside it. There were still some embers left in the fireplace enough to ignite them by throwing ten pieces of firewood into it; sparks splashed onto my clothes.

The flames flickered comfortably in the fireplace emitting heat while making crackling sounds as fatigue rushed over me all at once. I lay down on top of soft bedding absorbing all exhaustion from my body completely clean away . The patter-patter sound of raindrops hitting against glass could be heard outside adding several stars' lights embellishing monotonous night sky.

Fortunately found an inn; thinking this way slowly drifted off into dreamland.

When I woke up again ,the inn had disappeared leaving only barren wilderness where nothing grew. The grayish-yellow soil extended all the way to the horizon, and beside me were my backpack and a pile of smoldering firewood.

Just like a fairy tale I read when I was young, the inn disappeared without leaving any trace behind.

I slapped my head, deciding to attribute this supernatural phenomenon to an illusion caused by being too tired yesterday. However, this self-deceiving explanation did not last long because I found a note in the ashes of the firewood.

"Go east; there is a horse market. Trust me; you will need one."

To be honest, I didn't believe what was written on that note nor did I believe that there would be a horse market in such desolate place. But now it's at an impasse with no other options left as everything around here looked barren with nothing recognizable . So had no choice but to try our luck heading eastward .

Not long after walking ,a bustling marketplace appeared before my eyes as if everything from just now was just some kind of trickery. Standing on tiptoe amidst crowds searching for horse market took quite some time until finally discovering it right next door feeling foolish about it.

This was also my first time entering such a place; never having traveled far before so still unclear about what exactly is meant by "horse worker".

I pushed aside the bead curtain at the entrance and walked inside where cages filled every corner made out of iron which looked flimsy despite their appearance . Inside these cages were people who were roughly around my age group consisting both men and women varying in height ,weight ,and skin color ; however they all wore tattered clothes while carrying heavy shackles attached onto them . People inside these cages saw me looking fresh faced towards them curiously observing their surroundings full of vitality yet several others remained silent staring blankly into space within corners. This scene shocked me for being something completely new making sure not to show any surprise on my face while trying to accept it as much as possible. In my mother's eyes, rules were rules and should not be questioned; those who acted according to their own preferences would only become pests in the world which was also our family's belief.

When I came back to reality, they were still staring at me making me feel uncomfortable. I walked up quickly and explained my purpose to the boss.

"I'm here to buy a horse worker."

The boss was a thin woman with sharp eyes that seemed like she was always calculating something. She looked at me with a smile on her face, waved her hand towards around herself after confirming no one else was present before leaning over close enough for us both whispering softly .

"You've come at just the right time, young man. I have just received some top-quality goods and am about to sell them.

Hey, Lake, let's go to the end of the world and take a look," Tina pointed in the direction we had just walked and shouted over.

"My destination is Heaven Town, not over there."

"Tsk, you're so stingy."

Tina pouted again and said angrily.

Tina ran up to me and made a face at me. I pretended not to see it and continued on our way.

The smile on Tina's face disappeared as she followed me silently. I regretted it a bit because my mood became melancholy too. She was usually so lively but always became sensitive at times like this; she was really strange.

Soon we arrived back at the market from earlier. Compared to the morning, the afternoon market seemed deserted with most stalls packed away except for a few medicine stands that were still waiting for customers.

"Candied hawthorn! I want candied hawthorn!"

After being silent for some time, Tina suddenly blurted out these words before covering her mouth with her hand.

I looked at her somewhat comical appearance and couldn't help but laugh.

Tina still kept her head down.

I rummaged through my backpack for my wallet which didn't have much money left after being cheated by a vendor. There was only one hundred yuan bill left along with some coins. Seeing Tina who remained silent, I decided to buy one anyway.

The old lady selling candied hawthorns looked very happy as she added an extra layer of rice clothing onto mine. I handed the candied hawthorn over to Tina whose eyes initially appeared timid but once she took it from me, she immediately returned back to her previous state with a lively smile on her face along with two fresh tear marks still visible on them

Tina quickly finished eating the candied hawthorn looking very pleased about it all while both of us prepared ourselves mentally before heading to the nearby tavern to see if we could find out anything. After all, it was still quite difficult for two people without common sense to walk such a long way outside.

We walked into the tavern and were immediately greeted by the strong smell of alcohol which felt much more comfortable than the cold air outside. I sat down at the counter and ordered two glasses of cheapest wine available. The waiter quickly brought over our drinks as I sipped on mine while observing everyone in the store, wondering what exactly we should ask about. Tina sat next to me shouting that she wanted to try some wine too so I handed her another glass which she drank in one gulp causing surprise from both myself and the waiter.

I haven't finished writing it, it doesn't seem to have much value.


The above is just some random thoughts from the first inspiration basket. : D

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.