





世界开发组总是冷不丁的就来一个大版本更新,没想到不知不觉中 2022 离结束就只剩下二十分钟了。这一年可谓是打破日常的一年,就我本人而言,无论是封控时期的长到有些离谱的网课,还是长期居家折腾出来的有趣的,无聊的,失败的作品,又或是年末的放开和让人痛苦的新冠。都是我从未经历过的,非日常的事件。而在这些或无奈,或新奇,或烦恼的事情淡去后,2022 的尾声也再一次让我感受到了时间的紧迫,随之而来的便是 2023 高考的近乎疯狂但又充满青春热血的一曲了。


不着边际的话说了许多,下面就对我的 2022 年做出一个较为详细的总结吧,以此来对你说:“再见,2022。”


2022 是个充满变化的一年,与之对应的事件也有不少。

  • 疫情封控与放开
  • 漫长的网课
  • 博客的建立
    心血来潮,正好有大把时间,也有些记录的需要,表达的欲望,于是建立了我的个人博客 - Timero。名字是英文单词 time 和 zero 的组合,寓意着原初,不改变。而博客在这一年里也是框架换了又换,主题换了又换。说实话,这并不是个人博客的好现象。希望之后能把重心放在记录与表达上吧。
  • 次元茶馆二周年
    本是热爱与心血来潮的产物,没想到不知不觉已经运营了两年。我的发帖也逐渐走向摸鱼状态,论坛也不是特别活跃,好在讨论的帖子虽然不多,但都是实打实的精品贴。2023 年可能会有半年时间顾不上次元茶馆的运营了,但她依旧会长久的陪伴大家。
  • AImagine 的失败
    由于秋季 NovelAI 源码的泄露,AI 绘画可谓是掀起了一波风浪,热爱新奇与折腾的我自然也不会缺席,几次三番折腾后,苦于中文社区的杂乱,就异想天开的建立了 AImagine,自以为能填补这个缺口。不出意外的,对于毫无经验与准备,甚至连 AI 绘画原理还没熟悉完的我,等着我的是一次完全的失败。虽说有些沮丧,但依旧能从这件事里学到一些东西,热情固然重要,但匮乏的知识与经验只会让热情成为滑稽的平地摔。
  • 几次考试
    今年的考试几乎是全部都不理想,肉眼可见的退步。数学直线下降,而其它学科也都稳步下降中,实在是很危险。希望 2023 年我能重整旗鼓,调整计划,来一次充满疯狂与热血的冲刺。
  • 第一次参加运动会
    为什么说是第一次呢,因为我自打从娘胎里出来,在运动会上扮演的都是玩手机的角色。而今年破天荒的报名了 1500 米,或许是高中跑了三年步给我的迷之自信,又或许是其它的什么。至于结果,这里借用孤独摇滚里凉的一句话,“时至今日,我还能想起那个冷的像灵堂一样的现场。”,小组倒数第二,全校倒数第七,美好的回忆。
  • 十八岁生日
  • Konata の VCR 的建立
    一个番剧 Jellyfin 服务器,实时更新番剧,全平台在线观看。属于我爱折腾的产物,方便我自己,顺带方便大家。为了她,我可熬了不少夜。
  • 感染新冠
  • 与 2022 年说再见





  • AImagine
    AI 绘画中文社区,基于 Flaurm。
  • Life
    生活记录系统,基于 Obsidian。


  • 次元茶馆
    Galgame 交流论坛,基于 DiscuzX。
  • 致幻剂
    2D 横版动作剧情向游戏,基于 Godot。




  • 普通
  • VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
  • GRIS
  • MADNESS: Project Nexus
  • Apex Legends™
  • Outer Wilds
  • Draw & Guess
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • 人类一败涂地 / Human Fall Flat
  • Sea of Thieves
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Blade and Sorcery
  • Braid
  • Rain's love memory - 雨的恋记
  • Hollow Knight
  • Katana ZERO
  • Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
  • Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
  • OneShot
  • Deathloop
  • Kingdom Two Crowns: Norse Lands Edition
  • RimWorld
  • 东东不死传说
  • ICEY
  • Ministry of Broadcast
  • VR
  • Half-Life: Alyx
  • Beat Saber
  • Superhot
  • Galgame
  • Carnival
  • 120 日元
  • 星之梦
  • 丸子与银河龙
  • 夏之锁
  • 恋爱成双
  • 星空列车与白的旅行
  • 青空下的加缪
  • Forest
  • 灵感满溢的甜蜜创想
  • Seventh Lair
  • 氤氲之白
  • 多娜多娜一起干坏事吧
  • 雨音 Switch
  • 对你说再见

我的年度游戏:VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action,Katana ZERO,CHAOS;CHILD,氤氲之白,对你说再见


  • 天降之物
  • 异度侵入
  • 奇巧计程车
  • 间谍过家家 第二部分
  • 孤独摇滚
  • 死神 千年血战篇
  • 电锯人
  • 恋爱 FLOPS
  • Do It Yourself!!
  • 总之就是非常可爱~制服
  • 契约之吻
  • 莉可丽丝
  • 赛博朋克:边缘行者
  • 异世界舅舅
  • 夏日重现
  • 夜曲
  • 间谍过家家
  • 派对浪客诸葛孔明
  • 测不准的阿波连同学
  • 辉夜大小姐想让我告白 - Ultra Romantic-
  • 擅长捉弄的高木同学 第三季



  • 天降之物
  • 电锯人



  • 春宵苦短,少女前行吧
  • 心灵游戏
  • 飞越疯人院
  • 爱的曝光
  • 梦旅人



  • 夏天的烟火和我的尸体
  • 电气马戏团
  • 雪崩
  • Psyche
  • 活着
  • Carnival
  • 苦妓回忆录




  • 考上苏州大学
  • 文明用语
  • 一周接触一次电子产品
  • 全力备战高考
  • 停止折腾
  • 每周一本书
  • 完成致幻剂 Demo
  • 完成致幻剂 pv
  • 为 Konata の VCR 补全老番
  • 每月一篇文章
  • 学会 Godot
  • 学会编曲
  • 学会电吉他
  • 学会像素画
  • 学会动漫插画
  • 学会 Web 开发相关
  • 买一套电子产品
  • 重启 Life 项目


  • 熬夜
  • 刷视频
  • 无意义冲浪


对 2022 年说完再见,是时候展望一下 2023 年了,高考,毕业,大学,游戏制作,无论哪一样都是人生中的大事。只希望能够如愿以偿,也别忘了做白日梦。

English edition#


The world development team always surprises us with a major version update. Unexpectedly, in 2022, there were only twenty minutes left until the end of the year. This year can be said to have been an extraordinary one for me personally, whether it was the absurd online classes during lockdown or the interesting, boring and failed works created during long-term stay-at-home periods, or even the release and painful experience of COVID-19 at the end of the year. These were all unprecedented events for me. After these helpless, novel and troublesome things faded away, once again I felt the urgency of time at the end of 2022. What followed was a crazy but youthful journey towards China's college entrance examination in 2023.

Goodbye, 2022#

After saying so much nonsense above, let me make a more detailed summary of my 2022 to say "Goodbye" to this year.

Major Events#

2022 was a year full of changes and corresponding events.

  • Lockdowns and Reopenings due to COVID-19
    There is nothing much to say about this event except that I am just a cute little kitten.
  • Long Online Classes
    It is difficult to determine whether this was good or bad for me as someone who lacks self-discipline because online classes messed up my already chaotic study rhythm. However, it also provided plenty of time for many interesting things.
  • Establishment of Personal Blog
    On impulse and with plenty of free time on hand along with some need for recording thoughts came Timero - my personal blog based on Typecho CMS (Content Management System). The name is derived from combining English words "time" and "zero", meaning originality without change. In this year alone its framework has changed multiple times along with its theme which isn't ideal but hopefully in future I will focus more on recording thoughts rather than changing themes.
  • Second Anniversary of "Dimensional Tea House" Forum
    It was originally a product of passion and impulse, but unexpectedly it has been running for two years now. My posts have gradually become more casual and the forum is not particularly active, but fortunately the discussion threads are few in number yet high quality. I may not be able to manage Dimensional Tea House for half a year in 2023 due to other commitments, but it will still accompany everyone for a long time.
  • Failure of AImagine
    Due to the leakage of source code from Autumn NovelAI, AI painting has caused quite a stir. As someone who loves novelty and tinkering around with things, I naturally did not want to miss out on this trend. After several attempts at creating something new amidst the chaos within Chinese communities online regarding AI painting tools, I came up with an idea that seemed like it could fill this gap - AImagine based on Flaurm CMS (Content Management System). Unfortunately as expected from someone without experience or preparation even lacking familiarity with basic principles behind AI drawing techniques led me down a path towards complete failure. Although somewhat disheartened by this outcome, there were still lessons learned: enthusiasm is important but lack of knowledge and experience can make one's enthusiasm seem ridiculous.
  • Several Examinations
    Almost all my exams this year were unsatisfactory showing visible regression in performance across subjects especially Mathematics which saw significant decline along with other subjects steadily decreasing too making it very dangerous situation overall. Hopefully in 2023 I can regroup myself and adjust my plans so that I can make another crazy and passionate sprint towards success.
  • First Participation in Sports Meet
    Why do I say first? Because ever since coming out from my mother's womb until now during sports meets all I've done is play games on my phone instead of participating actively! This year however was different as for once I signed up for 1500 meters race. Perhaps it was due to the three years of high school running experience that gave me some misplaced confidence or maybe something else entirely. As for the results, I'll borrow a line from "Lonely Rock" - "To this day, I can still remember that cold scene like a funeral home." We came second last in our group and seventh last in the entire school but at least it's a good memory.
  • Eighteenth Birthday
    This is probably one of the most important birthdays in my life so far. I received many blessings and gifts from friends including those who prepared them with great care. With family members returning home, there was also an atmosphere of celebration during my birthday party. Hopefully in future I can maintain my childishness and continue to dream.
  • Establishment of Konata's VCR
    A Jellyfin server for anime series which updates real-time allowing online viewing on all platforms. It is a product born out of love for tinkering around with things making it convenient not only for myself but also others as well. For her sake, I have stayed up late many nights.
  • Infected with COVID-19
    It's painful and uncomfortable. I had a high fever for two days, and even after recovering, I still feel weak all over my body with constant coughing and runny nose. However, during the fever, I had many interesting dreams that eased my pain.
  • Saying goodbye to 2022

My Projects#

As someone who loves tinkering around, I definitely worked on many new things throughout the year.



  • AImagine
    AI painting Chinese community based on Flaurm.
  • Life
    Life recording system based on Obsidian.


  • Dimensional Tea House
    Galgame communication forum based on DiscuzX.
  • Hallucinogen
    A side-scrolling action plot game in Godot engine.

My Entertainment#

Playing games is essential for me.


  • Normal
  • VA11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
  • GRIS
  • MADNESS: Project Nexus
  • Apex Legends™
  • Outer Wilds
  • Draw & Guess
  • Left4Dead2
  • Human Fall Flat
  • Sea of Thieves
  • Team Fortress2
  • Blade and Sorcery
  • Braid
  • Rain's love memory-Yu de Lian Ji
  • Hollow Knight
  • Katana ZERO
  • Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
  • Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
  • OneShot
  • Deathloop
  • Kingdom Two Crowns: Norse Lands Edition
  • RimWorld
  • Dongdong Undead Legend
  • ICEY
  • Ministry of Broadcast
  • VR
  • Half-Life: Alyx
  • Beat Saber
  • Superhot
  • Galgame
  • Carnival
  • 120 Yen
  • Star Dream
  • Maruko and the Galaxy Dragon
  • The Locks in Summer
  • Love Twins
  • Journey with White on the Starry Train
  • Under the Blue Sky, Camus
  • Forest
  • Sweet Ideas Overflowing with Inspiration
  • Seventh Lair
  • Misty White Clouds
  • Let's Do Bad Things Together, DonaDona!
  • Rain Sound Switch
  • Saying Goodbye to You

My Game(s) Of The Year: VA11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action, Katana ZERO, CHAOS; CHILD, Misty White Clouds and Saying Goodbye to You


  • Catch-up
  • Heaven's Lost Property
  • Xenoglossia
  • Kikoushi Enma (Demon Prince Enma)
  • Fall
  • Spy x Family Part 2
  • Mieruko-chan (The Girl Who Sees "Them")
  • Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc
  • Chainsaw Man Part 1 & Part 2 (TBA)
  • Love Live! Superstar!!
  • Do It Yourself!!
  • Very Cute Uniform Anyway~
  • Kiss Him Not Me!
  • Little Witch Academia TV Dubbed Version Season 1
  • ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen (ReLIFE: Final Arc)
  • Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway
  • Yakunara Mug Cup Mo (Let's Make a Mug Too)
  • Spy x Family
  • Party Busters Zhuge Kongming
  • Apotheosis of a Demon - A Monster Raised by Common Sense -
  • Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Ren'ai Zunousen OVA 2
  • Skilled Teaser Takagi-san Season 3

My Anime(s) Of The Year: Heaven's Lost Property, Mieruko-chan, and Cyberpunk Bartender Action.


  • Heaven's Lost Property
  • Chainsaw Man

My annual comic: Heaven's Lost Property


  • Spring Night, Summer Night
  • Soul Game
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Exposure of Love
  • The Dream Traveler

My annual movie: The Dream Traveler


  • Fireworks in Summer and My Corpse
  • Electric Circus
  • Avalanche
  • Psyche
  • Live
  • Carnival
  • Memoirs of a Geisha

My annual book: Electric Circus

Hello, 2023#

Things to Do#

  • Get into Suzhou University
  • Use polite language
    Before College Entrance Examination
  • Limit electronic device usage to once a week
  • Fully prepare for college entrance examination
  • Stop messing around
    After College Entrance Examination
  • Read one book per week
  • Complete the hallucinogen Demo
  • Finish the hallucinogen PV
  • Fill in Konata's VCR with old episodes
  • Write one article per month
  • Learn Godot
  • Learn music composition
  • Learn electric guitar      
  • Learn pixel art
  • Learn anime illustration
  • Learn web development related skills
  • Buy an electronic product set
  • Restart the Life project

Things Not to Do#

  • Stay up late
  • Watch meaningless videos
  • Surf aimlessly


After saying goodbye to 2022, it's time to look forward to 2023. The college entrance examination, graduation, university, game production- no matter what happens, they are all major events in life. I just hope that everything goes as planned and don't forget to daydream.

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